Online Exercise System
Exercise: Quad Reaches
Primary Muscles:
- Quadriceps
- Rotator Cuff
- Deltoids
- Hip Flexors
Secondary Muscles:
- Erector Spinae
- Gluteals
- Anterior Tibialis
- Adductors
- Obliques
Body Area:
- Legs
- Shoulders
Movement Type:
- Vertical Press
- Accessory
Training Category:
- Body Weight
- Mobility
- Flexibility
- Warm-Up Drills
Proper Steps:
Maintaining strong posture in your spine, balance on one leg as you grab your other foot behind you Pull your heel into your glute, and drive your hips forward as you point your knee straight down below your hips Reach overhead with your free arm, without arching in your low back Take a couple steps forward, and repeat on the other leg Repeat symmetrically on both legs for distance or reps Increase intensity of stretch by contracting the "secondary muscles listed"