Online Exercise System
Exercise: Backward Traveling Ape (Kong Push Back)
Primary Muscles:
- Erector Spinae
- Quadriceps
- Pecs
- Rotator Cuff
- Gluteals
- Triceps
- Forearm Muscles
- Deltoids
- Anterior Tibialis
- Serratus Anterior
Secondary Muscles:
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Rhomboids
Body Area:
- Legs
- Arms
- Back
- Chest
- Glutes
- Shoulders
Movement Type:
- Vertical Press
- Explosive
- Horizontal Press
Training Category:
- Body Weight
- Mobility
- Warm-Up Drills
Proper Steps:
Begin in a deep squat, aka ‘Ape Position’ Place your hands on the ground by your feet so that your shoulders are stacked above your wrists Shift your weight onto your arms and shoulders, and kick your legs back as if you’re going into a plank Simultaneously spring off of your arms, and shift your weight back onto your legs, into the starting position Repeat with control and proper form, for distance or for the desired amount of reps