Online Exercise System
Exercise: Lizard One
Primary Muscles:
- Erector Spinae
- Quadriceps
- Biceps
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Rotator Cuff
- Gluteals
- Triceps
- Forearm Muscles
- Deltoids
- Obliques
Secondary Muscles:
- Pecs
- Rhomboids
- Rotator Cuff
- Anterior Tibialis
- Adductors
- Hip Flexors
- Serratus Anterior
Body Area:
- Legs
- Back
- Glutes
- Shoulders
Movement Type:
Training Category:
- Body Weight
- Mobility
- Warm-Up Drills
Proper Steps:
Begin in a deep lunge, aka ‘lizard’, with your shoulders stacked above your wrists Point your inside hand at the ceiling, and allow your hips and knees to follow your rotation Extend your bent knee, as your reach ahead of you with your outstretched arm Grab the floor and pull yourself into the lizard position on the other side Repeat with control and proper form for the desired distance or for reps