Any violation of the rules and policies above may result in removal/suspension from UREC facilities or activities and may result in referral to police and the Center for Community Standards

  • General Policies
    • Individuals are responsible for properly securing their own belongings.  WSU is not responsible for loss or theft.
    • Personal belongings should be kept clear of activity spaces. Lockers are available for purchase on a per semester, or full-year basis.
    • Food & drink are permitted in the SRC lounge area and outdoor facilities only.  Closed-cap, non-glass bottles with water are allowed in all spaces unless otherwise noted.
    • Gum is strictly prohibited in all indoor facilities, hard surface outdoor facilities (tennis/basketball courts), and artificial turf playfields. 
    • Attire required for each recreational area is specified in that area.  In general, attire should be conducive to the activity being performed
    • University Recreation and the Chinook strives to create an inclusive and safe environment.  Exposed skin can be a risk of disease exposure.  A shirt/tank top and shorts/pants must be worn in all areas (other than locker room, pool, sauna).
    • It is recommended to help reduce disease exposure that a fabric barrier (shirt, shorts, or towel) be used to prevent direct skin contact with equipment, stretching mats, or other participants.
    • It is recommended and requested that patrons wipe equipment and mats with disinfectant both prior to and after use.
    • Indoor non-marking athletic shoes should be worn in all indoor activity areas.
    • Skateboards, hoverboards, rollerblades, bikes, scooters, and skate shoes are prohibited from all facilities except rollerblades in the sport court.
    • Helmets are strongly recommended when skating or rollerblading on the Sport Court.  Helmets with a cage or face shield are required for Hockey activities, including boot or roller hockey.
    • Formal instruction in University Recreation facilities is to be conducted by UREC staff only.
    • Pets are not permitted in University Recreation facilities including indoor and outdoor facilities (except for trained comfort animal or service animals used by persons with disability).  All animals must be under immediate control of their owner/keeper.  (WAC 504-36-020).
    • Use and/or possession of illegal drugs, controlled substances, and/or drug paraphernalia are prohibited unless permitted by federal, state, and local law.
    • Use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in University Recreation facilities.  Intoxication or appearance of intoxication will be grounds for immediate removal from the facility.
    • The use of tobacco products in University Recreation facilities is prohibited.  Smoking is prohibited within twenty-five feet of public places or places of employment (RCW 70.160.075).  This includes entrances to all University Recreation facilities.
    • The use of fireworks in any University Recreation facility is prohibited.
    • Patrons must use appropriate language and encourage a welcoming environment for all.
    • Anyone displaying inappropriate behavior or using inappropriate language may be asked to leave. Inappropriate behavior/language is anything that can or does make other people feel uncomfortable.
    • University Recreation staff has the right to enforce policies or remove individuals from a facility to ensure a safe and welcoming environment.
    • Video or still photography is not allowed in University Recreation facilities without prior approval from professional staff. Video or still photography of one's self is acceptable. Staff has the right to view photos or videos to ensure other patrons are not in the shot.  No video or photography is allowed in the locker rooms, including video chat.
    • Semester and annual locker rentals not renewed by their expiration date will have their contents removed and toiletries discarded.  Contents are kept for thirty days after expiration date.
    • Any day use items from the Student Recreation Center or Chinook Student Center Desk or areas must be returned the same day. If the item is not returned or is returned damaged by the patron, the cost of the item will be charged to WSU Student Accounts, if applicable. 
    • Providing coordinated or formal instruction or coaching unless working as a UREC staff member is prohibited unless individuals or groups have a field/court/space officially reserved.
  • Membership Policies
    • Memberships and lockers are non-transferable.  Exception: if you are payroll deducting your membership you can switch locations (ex. Chinook to SRC).
    • Must be at least 18 years of age to purchase a membership. Exception: WSU enrolled students and dependent memberships.
    • Memberships will be stopped immediately if payment is not received (i.e. payroll deduction stops, a returned check is received, etc.).
    • Memberships will not be refunded except in unusual, unforeseen circumstances based on established refund criteria. Each requested refund will be judged on a case by case basis. The mandatory student fee will not be refunded, per university policy.
    • Fall, spring, and summer semester memberships will be prorated following a pre-determined schedule.
  • Youth Policies

    University Recreation has established specific youth policies for each area of the facility to ensure safety and organization for our patrons and staff. Youth participants must adhere to the following rules as well as the overall rules and guidelines for UREC.

    • Dependents or minors are defined as those under the age of 18.
    • Dependents are allowed in SRC during scheduled family hours.
    • All dependents entering the SRC must have an assumption of risk form on file.   Forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. The assumption of risk and release form is good for one calendar year.
    • An SRC member/pass user can purchase a pass that allows dependents (age 17 and younger) to use the SRC during family hours.  An SRC member/day pass user may sponsor up to five minors including their own dependents. Youth under age two are not required to purchase a pass to enter the facility.
    • Youth under 14 may only participate in non-programmed recreation activities under the direct supervision of the sponsoring adult,  which is defined as utilizing the same court, in the pool or on deck, competing in the same game, or present in the same activity area.  The sponsoring adult of youth 14-17 must be in the building but does not have to be in the same area, unless specified by that specific area (weight room, pool).
    • Dependents must be at least 14 years old and accompanied by their sponsoring adult to enter the weight, cardio, or functional training areas.  (SRC members ages 16-17 may utilize the areas without adult accompaniment).
    • Parents with small children may utilize the pool and racquetball cardio areas during family hours as long as children are confined to a car seat or stroller.
    • Children over the age of four may not be in the locker room with an opposite-sex parent/guardian.  Please use the family changing room or the all-gender locker rooms.
    • The sponsoring adult is responsible for the behavior of their dependents.  Failure to comply may result in removal from the facility and/or the loss of future privileges for the minor and/or sponsoring adult.

    Climbing Wall Youth Policies

    • An accompanying adult must be directly present for all youth under 14 at the climbing or bouldering wall. 
    • Belay qualified youth 14 and over are able to climb and belay as long as an accompanying adult is in the SRC.
    • Youth climbers 14 or older may belay and utilize the auto-belays after successful completion of a belay qualification.
    • Unaccompanied youth under 14 are not allowed to climb. 
    • Accompanying adults must be belay-qualified for auto-belay use for a participant under 14 (they can clip their youth in). 
    • The minimum age for climbing is 5 years old.
    • Accompanying adults must demonstrate proficiency in their harness as well as the youth harness (if one is required).
  • Equipment Check Out
    • A variety of checkout equipment is available at the SRC, Chinook, and Valley Road for use during your visit.  Equipment is located around the SRC or Chinook for your use and must remain inside the facility.  Day use locks, tennis racquets and outdoor basketball/volleyballs may be checked out at the SRC Membership Desk.  Tennis racquets and outdoor basketballs/volleyballs may be used outside the SRC, but needs to be returned before closing the same day. 
    • Members must have their Cougar Card or the Get App to check out any equipment.  Guests may check out equipment through the guest check-out form available at the SRC or Chinook desks.
    • All checkout equipment that is returned damaged or not returned by the end of the day will be charged to the person checking the item out.  It is up to the discretion of UREC if you will be charged for an item.
  • Patron Suspension Policies

    The following behavior results in an automatic one-day suspension from any University Recreation or Chinook facility:

    • Verbal or physical abuse and/or the threat of verbal or physical abuse towards an employee or patron of the facility.
    • Any threatening behavior (verbal and/or non-verbal) towards an employee.
    • Any physical contact with an employee.
    • Failure to cooperate by providing the information requested by an employee.
    • Public indecency or obscenity.
    • Suspicion of consumption of alcohol/drugs.
    • Damage/destruction of facilities/equipment.
    • Any violation of WSU policies and procedures governing the conduct of students.
    • The use of someone else’s card to access the facility.
    • Giving one’s card to another individual for use to access the facility.
    • Accessing the facility without a valid cougar card, access to the facility app, or without purchasing a day pass.
    • Providing coordinated or formal instruction or coaching unless working as a UREC staff member.
  • Parking Policies
    • The SRC and Tennis Court Parking Lots are monitored Monday through Friday by WSU Transportation Services checking for cars with valid WSU parking permits.  Neither parking lot is ticketed on Saturday or Sunday.
    • Student Recreation Center lot is blue and above, 1/2 of the tennis court lot is red and above. The lots do not accept parking permits from University Housing lots.
    • If a patron doesn’t have a valid WSU permit, they can purchase time by using the Amp Parking App. Temporary parking passes are good only for the lot from which they are purchased.
    • The SRC lot allows for up to 105 minutes of free parking Monday-Friday assuming that the purpose for parking is the use of the Student Recreation Center.  To utilize the free parking, an individual must still receive a temporary parking pass from the parking station in the SRC lobby.  Additional parking time may be purchased for a fee.
    • If the the user is experiencing any problems, individuals are encouraged to call Transportation Services at 335-PARK to report any problems they have encountered. 
    • University Recreation is not responsible for tickets received by patrons or staff.
    • There is no designated general parking for the Chinook or Stephenson Fitness Center.
  • Facility Access Policies
    • Members entering the SRC, Stephenson Fitness Center, or Chinook must swipe in with their Cougar Card, use the app, or purchase a day pass. Cougar Cards are available for purchase at the Cougar Card Center in the CUB.
      • Members who forget their Cougar Card will be asked to provide their Cougar Card identification number or name to verify their membership status in DSE.
    • After three entries without a cougar card, patrons will be required to purchase a day pass or access may be denied (“three-strike” policy).
    • Individuals or small groups wishing to take a tour of the Student Recreation Center must fill out the Visitor Sign-In sheet located at the Membership Desk upon entry.  Any large groups that would like a staff member to lead a tour are encouraged to email
    • Cougar Cards will be confiscated being used by a person other than the owner.
      • The individual using the wrong card will be asked to leave the facility for the day.
      • All confiscated/lost cards will be taken to the Cougar Card Center on a daily basis.
  • Weightlifting/Fitness Policies
    • Participants are encouraged to seek assistance from UREC staff regarding the operation of any weight or cardio equipment. 
    • Jeans or clothing with rivets, exposed zippers, etc. may not be worn in contact with upholstery or mats.
    • Chalk is prohibited.
    • The use of the safety clip is recommended on all treadmills.
    • All equipment must be returned to appropriate storage locations after use – All weights must be re-racked.
    • Weight room equipment must remain in the weight room.
    • Furniture or equipment from other areas may not be brought into the weight room.
    • Mats should not be moved.
    • Weights are not to be leaned against the walls, pillars, or mirrors.
    • Collars must be utilized with all free weight bars.
    • Weight room staff will not provide exercise instruction or prescription.  Staff will explain how machines work, facilitate equipment use, and spot participants when needed, provided the room count is low and their attention is not needed elsewhere. Weight room orientations may also be scheduled with the personal training or weight room staff.
    • All concerns and maintenance needs should be reported to the weight room attendant.
    • Weight plates/dumbbells must be controlled, and are not to be dropped.
    • There is a 30 minute limit per individual for cardiovascular equipment when others are waiting.
    • No one under the age of 14 years may use the weight/fitness rooms.  Eligible dependents may only use the Weight/Fitness Room and equipment after completing the Weight/Fitness Room Orientation.  Please contact the attendant for details.
    • Equipment must be wiped down after each use.
    • Formal instruction is to be conducted by UREC staff only.
  • Dashboard Hockey/Indoor Soccer Court (SRC Court 5)
    • In-line skates or roller skates may only be worn on the Sport Court surface.
    • Activity scheduled receives priority use (Floor/In-Line Hockey & Indoor Soccer)
    • It is recommended to wear a helmet if in-line skating or roller skating.
    • Hockey users must have a helmet with a full-face mask.  Games will be non-checking.
    • Indoor soccer games will have a maximum of six (6) players to aside.
    • In-line hockey games will have a maximum of five (5) players to aside.
  • Spa Policies

    WAC Codes

    • The maximum capacity in the water is not to exceed 53 persons.
    • All persons must have a cleansing shower before entering the spa.
    • No running or horseplay allowed in the spa area.
    • No person under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may use the spa.
    • No person with a communicable disease or anyone who has been ill with vomiting or diarrhea within the last two weeks or open sores may use the spa.
    • Persons with medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure should consult a physician before using the spa and should not use the spa alone.
    • Persons wearing diapers must wear protective coverings. Diapers must be changed in designated areas.
    • Women who are or might be pregnant should seek the advice of a physician regarding spa use.
    • No children under the age of six (6) should use the spa.
    • Persons should limit their use of the spa to fifteen (15) minutes at any one session.
    • No food or drink allowed in the spa water. No glass containers are allowed.
    • Lifeguards are equipped with a first aid kit.
    • A phone is located on the deck for emergency use.
    • Persons refusing to obey these regulations may be subject to removal from the premises. Failure to observe these regulations may result in injury and/or death.

    Washington State University Rules and Regulations

    • Lifeguards must be present at all times to use the spa.
    • All persons must wear appropriate swimwear. Inappropriate swimwear includes but is not limited to: cut off jean shorts, worn or see-through swimwear, thongs, underwear, athletic shorts, gym workout attire, and t-shirts.
    • No diving.
    • Flotation devices must be US Coast Guard approved. Other flotation devices may be allowed for instructional programs or camp activities only.
    • Anyone displaying inappropriate behavior or using inappropriate language may be asked to leave the deck area. Inappropriate behavior/language is anything that can or does make other people feel uncomfortable.
  • Pool Policies

    WAC Codes

    • The maximum capacity in the water is not to exceed 188 persons.
    • All persons must have a cleansing shower before entering the pool.
    • No running or horseplay allowed in the pool area.
    • No person under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may use the pool.
    • No person with a communicable disease or anyone who has been ill with vomiting or diarrhea within the last two weeks or open sores may use the pool.
    • Persons with medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure should consult a physician before using the pool and should not use the pool alone.
    • Persons wearing diapers must wear protective coverings. Diapers must be changed in
      designated areas.
    • No food or drink allowed in the pool water. No glass containers are allowed.
    • Lifeguards are equipped with a first aid kit.
    • A phone is located on the deck for emergency use.
    • Persons refusing to obey these regulations may be subject to removal from the premises. Failure to observe these regulations may result in injury and/or death.
    • When the pool is used by children twelve (12) years or younger, a responsible adult eighteen (18) years of age or older MUST accompany the child(ren) and be in the pool and/or on the pool deck at all times.

    Washington State University Rules and Regulations

    • Lifeguards must be present at all times to use the pool.
    • All persons must wear appropriate swimwear. Inappropriate swimwear includes but is not limited to: cut off jean shorts, worn or see-through swimwear, thongs, underwear, athletic shorts, gym workout attire, and t-shirts.
    • No diving.
    • Flotation devices must be US Coast Guard approved. Other flotation devices may be allowed for instructional programs or camp activities only.
    • Anyone displaying inappropriate behavior or using inappropriate language may be asked to leave the deck area. Inappropriate behavior/language is anything that can or does makes other people feel uncomfortable.
  • Outdoor Adventures

    Cancellation Policy: In order to minimize our environmental impact, maintain facilitator-to-participant ratios, meet permit criteria, and transportation logistics, ORC trips are often programmed for small groups (typically up to 6 participants with 2 facilitators). Late cancellations can seriously impact our ability to accommodate others and recover costs.

    • Cancellations made up until 4 weeks prior to the registration deadline will receive a full refund.
    • Cancellations made within 4 weeks of the registration deadline receive 50% refund.
    • Sorry, no refunds are given past the registration deadline.

    If you need to cancel, please contact

  • Bouldering Wall Policies
    • Socks must be worn with rental climbing shoes.
    • Only climbing chalk balls are allowed at the climbing wall. They are available for purchase at the membership desk and must be in a climbing chalk bag. Loose chalk is not allowed.
    • Bouldering mats are designed for feet-first impact; Spotters and down-climbing are highly recommended.
    • Personal items must be stored outside the Wall. WSU is not responsible for loss or theft. Lockers are available for purchase on a per semester or full-year basis.
    • Route Setting will only take place during designated times under the supervision of a climbing wall supervisor.  If a hold or piece of tape comes loose please inform a Climbing Wall Supervisor or Facility Manager so they can take care of the issue.
    • Avoid climbing under and over other patrons.
    • All participants must follow the directions of the Climbing Wall Supervisor and Facility Manager.
    • No Climbing can take place above 12 ft. of hand height or past the “Do Not Boulder” holds.

    The following conduct is prohibited at the bouldering and climbing wall:

    • Verbal or physical abuse and/or the threat of abuse towards any participant, spectator, or staff member.
    • Horseplay or unsafe use of the climbing wall or equipment.
    • Public indecency or obscenity.
    • Participation after the consumption, or suspicion of consumption, of alcohol/drugs.
    • Damage/destruction of facilities/equipment.
    • Any violation of WSU policies and procedures governing the conduct of students.
  • Climbing Wall Policies
    • Closed-toe and heel footwear required. 
    • Shirts required.
    • Socks must be worn with rental climbing shoes.
    • Do not wear rental shoes or harnesses outside of the climbing wall area.
    • No chalk, other than chalk balls, allowed.
    • Headphones/earbuds must allow effortless communication.
    • Bouldering mats are designed for feet-first impact; Down-climbing recommended.
    • Individuals are responsible for properly securing their belongings. WSU is not responsible for loss or theft.
    • Route setting only takes place during designated times under the supervision of a climbing wall supervisor.
    • If a hold or piece of tape comes loose inform a staff member.
    • Do not climb under or over other patrons.
    • No bouldering above 12 feet of hand height or past the “Do Not Boulder” line.
    • No “topping out” or climbing on top of the bouldering cave.
    • All participants shall follow the directions of University Recreation staff.

    Roped Climbing

    • All climbers must use “climbing commands” when climbing.
    • Roped climbing shall only occur during designated hours.
    • All belayers must pass a belay check off with a climbing wall supervisor, or carry a WSU qualification card, during operating hours.
    • All lead climbers must pass a lead check off, or carry a WSU qualification card, with a climbing wall supervisor.
    • All belayers must use the Pull Brake Under Slide (PBUS) method of belaying.  No other method is currently accepted at the WSU climbing wall.
    • All personal climbing equipment must be in good working order and open to inspection from a climbing wall supervisor.  If it does not pass inspection it is not permitted for use at the WSU climbing facility.  It also must bear an inspection sticker from UIAA.  
    • Belayers must use UIAA approved brake devices only. 

    The following conduct is prohibited at the bouldering and climbing wall:

    • Verbal or physical abuse and/or the threat of abuse towards any participant, spectator, or staff member.
    • Horseplay or unsafe use of the climbing wall or equipment.
    • Public indecency or obscenity.
    • Individuals participating after the consumption or suspicion of consumption of alcohol/drugs.
    • Damage/destruction of facilities/equipment.


    Non-Members and their dependents must complete a Risk and Release Form, as well as purchase and show a Day or Semester Pass prior to entry.

    Climbing Wall Youth Policies

    • An accompanying adult must be directly present for all youth under 14 at the climbing or bouldering wall. 
    • Belay qualified youth 14 and over are able to climb and belay as long as an accompanying adult is in the SRC.
    • Youth climbers 14 or older may belay and utilize the auto-belays after successful completion of a belay qualification.
    • Unaccompanied youth under 14 are not allowed to climb. 
    • Accompanying adults must be belay-qualified for auto-belay use for a participant under 14 (they can clip their youth in). 
    • The minimum age for climbing is 5 years old.
    • Accompanying adults must demonstrate proficiency in their harness as well as the youth harness (if one is required).
  • Slackline Policies
    • No Running.
    • No Flips.
    • No Socks; Users should wear shoes or go barefoot.
    • No 60' line placed closest to the building.
    • No lines shall be set above the Black Advanced line.
    • Participants will use the Slackline Course at their own risk.
    • Participants will set up their own Slacklines; Facility Managers may assist participants if needed.
    • Height Lines: Green=Beginner, Blue=Intermediate, Black=Advanced.
    • Shorter distances between the poles are recommended for beginners.
  • Playfield Policies
    • Gum, sunflower seeds, and food or drinks (other than water) are strictly prohibited on artificial turf playfields.
    • No metal cleats.
    • Formal team practices and events require a reservation of field space.
    • Use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are prohibited in University Recreation facilities.
    • Glass bottles or glass containers of any kind are prohibited on artificial turf playfields.
    • Pets are not permitted in University Recreation facilities including indoor or outdoor facilities (except for service animals used by persons with disability). All animals on university property surrounding University Recreation facilities must be under immediate control of their owner/keeper. (WAC 504-36-020)
    • Anyone wishing to check out equipment (Valley Road Playfield) must present a valid WSU Cougar Card to the staff on duty.
    • Participating in activities and/or the use of these facilities is voluntary. WSU is not responsible for illness or injury sustained while using these facilities. Each participant is encouraged to have a complete physical exam and to carry health/injury insurance.
    • University Recreation staff has the right to enforce policies or remove individuals from the playfield to ensure a safe and welcoming environment.
    • Stakes are not allowed on the field.
    • Use of fireworks is prohibited on the field.
    • Field availability and staffing may change without notice. UREC may cancel your reservation if snow covers the field, if there is risk of lightning strike, or if there is an unhealthy Air Quality Index above 150.