Cougar Kids Camp
The commitment at Cougar Kids Camp is to provide each camper with a fun and exciting experience and the opportunity to learn new things. The camp is for children going into grades 1-7 and promotes physical activity, healthy lifestyles, skill development, cooperation, fairness, fun, and respect for each camper.
Cougar Kids Camp Overview
We offer a full-day ( 8:30 AM-4:30 PM) camp from June 16-August 1. Each camp is a full week with different themes, offered Monday through Friday. Some weeks are prorated due to university-observed holidays. (June 19 & July 4)
Ages for Campers
Cougar Kids Camp is offered to children entering grades 1-7 for the 2025-26 academic year. Campers must be at least 6 years old to attend camp.
Registration Opens March 10, 2025
View registration instructions
Need help creating a Friend ID?
Contact Crimson Service Desk
Staff Contact
Melanie Rossetti-Jackson | melanie.rossetti@wsu.edu
Marie Benedetti | marie.benedetti@wsu.edu
Oliver Werner | oliver.werner@wsu.edu
Who Can Participate
Ages 6-12
Typical Day
The daily Cougar Kids Camp schedule is designed to integrate physical activity, educational opportunities, and leisure pursuits. Depending on the week, campers will participate in a variety of sports, outdoor activities, swimming, leadership activities, and team-building challenges. The schedule also offers various themed weekly activities
such as demonstrations, learning activities, and time on the climbing wall. -
Types of Activities
Activities may vary depending on each week's theme. Some things to look forward to include:
- Swimming & Water Activities
- New and familiar sports
- Challenge activities
- Crafts
- Obstacle courses
- Outdoor education
- Opportunities to experience WSU programs & services
- Reading & STEM activities
Learning Outcomes
Our camp leaders strive to help Cougar kids develop in:
- Skill Development
- Health and Fitness
- Sportsmanship
- Cooperation
- Self Esteem
- Leadership
2025 Pricing (Per Week)
Full Day
Full Day (prorated Price)
*Price prorated Week 1 & 3 of camp in observance of holidays.
UREC Member $219
*$208 early registration
*$166 early registration
Non-UREC Member $235
*$225 early registration
*$180 early registration
*Early registration deadlines:
Weeks 1-3: June 1
Weeks 4-7: July 1
Summer 2025 Weekly Themes
Summer 2025 is the Palouse Mystery Quest. Get ready for a new quest each week of camp!
Week 1: The Great Fitness Adventure (June 16-20)*
Show off your fitness and investigation skills as we begin our first week of camp! Partnering with our fitness department, campers will get the opportunity to work with fitness instructors as well as personal trainers. Campers will learn through movement in dance, relay races, obstacle courses, games, and sports.
We will not have camp on June 19th in observance of Juneteenth.
Week 2: Nature's Wonders Weeks (June 23-27)
Discover the mysteries of the natural world as we embark on our journey through the second week. Working with our Outdoor Programming partners and campers will explore nature, invent and build shelters, practice Leave No Trace, and end the week with an adventure to Kamiak Butte.
Week 3: Mysteries of WSU Week (June 30-July 3 ) *
Use your innovative mind and mystery-seeking skills to investigate WSU during our third week of programming! We will spend time in the pool and on the climbing wall, as well as playing our favorite camp games. We will also partake in a voyage to visit the WSU Library and Ferdinand’s Creamery.
No Camp Friday, July 4th in observance of the holiday.
Week 4: Defy Gravity Week (July 7-11)
Invent your fun and play more this week as you uncover the vast knowledge of outer space & science exploration! Campers will test their abilities to defy gravity with a trip to the trampoline park at the end of the week.
Week 5: Obstacle Course Odyssey Week (July 14-18)
Discover the importance of teamwork and comradery this week as you ascend the high & low ropes course and the climbing wall in the Student Recreation Center. Campers ages 11-12 will get the opportunity to explore the high ropes course.
Week 6: Ocean Exploration Week (July 21-25)
Splash your way into the mysteries of the ocean! Campers will get to enjoy a week of water activities as well as explore deep ocean mysteries, like Atlantis, and more. This fun-filled water week will culminate in a trip to the Moscow Water Park.
Week 7: Water Wonders Week (July 28-August 1)
Dive into our final week with epic underwater treasure hunts and exhilarating boat races. But the excitement doesn't stop there – a tidal wave of aquatic activities awaits, each one a chance to make lasting memories. Let's share the fun, celebrate our achievements, and wrap up an unforgettable summer with a spectacular splash!
Learn More
Parent Open House (June 12th )
Join us for a parent open house at the Student Recreation Center on the WSU- Pullman campus on June 12th from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm.
Bring your camper to meet our group leaders and camp directors for the summer.
We will take you on a facility tour and have some fun activities for campers to enjoy!
Disability Accomodation Requests
Does your camper require reasonable accommodation for a disability in order to access or be part of camp activities?
All Accommodation requests must be made at least 2 weeks before their first date of participation in Cougar Kids Camp and sent to melanie.rossetti@wsu.edu. All requests are reviewed by the university ADA coordinator and they will assess whether we are able to implement reasonable accommodations, where the requested accommodations do not fundamentally alter or place an undue burden on the program staff and structure.
Cougar Kids Camp Facility Tour
We understand that you may want an opportunity to see our facility and ask questions ahead of time. If you would like to set up a tour with one of our directors, please email melanie.rossetti@wsu.edu to set up a time to see where all the fun happens! Campers are welcome to join as well!
Parent Guide
Cougar Kids Camp Contacts
Melanie Rossetti-Jackson (melanie.rossetti@wsu.edu, 509.335.2218)
Marie Benedetti (marie.benedetti@wsu.edu, 509.335.3798)
Oliver Werner (oliver.werner@wsu.edu, 509.335.3791)
Cougar Kids Camp Directors
University Recreation
PO Box 641830
Pullman, WA 99164
Summer Camp Hotline 509-595-5644
(June 16-August 1, Monday-Friday 7:30pm-5:30pm)
Contacting Your Child During Camp
If an emergency arises and you need to contact your child during camp, call the camp cellular phone at 509-595-5644 or UREC office at 509-335-2218.
Arriving At Camp
Camper Drop-off Area
Campers should be dropped off at the Student Recreation Center parking lot on North Fairway Drive. The check-in area will be clearly marked, and camp staff will be on site to greet campers on the sidewalk near the entry door.
Check-in Times
- Morning Session: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM (Camp begins at 8:30 AM)
* If you need to drop off your child after the designated check-in time please enter through the Student Recreation Center main entrance and the membership staff will assist with check-in at the front desk.
Check-In Procedures
The following protocols will be in place during check-in:
- Staff will check the camper in at the doors and show the camper(s) to their respective group area.
- Parents are welcome to walk their child into the facility.
Departing From Camp
Camper Check-out Area
Campers should be picked up at the Student Recreation Center parking lot on North Fairway Drive. The check-out area is the same as check-in and will be clearly marked. Children will only be allowed to leave with authorized persons. A picture ID will be required for checking out children who do not have permission to sign themselves out. Children will be allowed to sign themselves out to leave the program with written consent from parents/guardians. Children must also have written consent to leave with a person who is not indicated during the online registration. Email or written notes are considered written consent.
Daily Check-out Times
- Afternoon: 4:15 PM- 5:30 PM
Early Departures
Early departures can usually be accommodated, provided advance notice is given. Please provide written notice to staff at check-in or check-out one day in advance. Parents picking up their children early will come to the front desk of the Student Recreation Center and tell them what child(ren) they are there to pick up. Please remember that ID is required when picking up a camper.
Check-Out Procedures
The following protocols will be in place during check-out:
- Staff will be at the check out door and parents/guardians will show their ID to pick up their child(ren). They will then be allowed to enter the courts to pick them up once we have verified their ID.
Materials to be Returned
At our website (cougarkids.wsu.edu), you will find general camp guidelines, including what to bring to camp every day, weekly schedules as they are created, camp policies, camper check-in/out information, camp staff information and each form your camper will need to have on file.
All campers will be required to have the following forms or information submitted prior to their first day of camp:
- All online forms filled out: Participant Consent Form, Camper Conduct Agreement, Image Consent Form, Health History Form, Medication Form (Required only if medication is to be taken while at camp. This includes asthma inhalers too.)
- All Accommodation requests must be made at least 2 weeks before their first date of participation in Cougar Kids Camp and sent to melanie.rossetti@wsu.edu. All requests are reviewed by the university ADA coordinator and they will assess whether we are able to implement reasonable accommodations, where the requested accommodations do not fundamentally alter or place an undue burden on the program staff and structure. Cougar Kids Camp has the right to deny accommodation requests if it is outside their scope of practice or skill.
- If you registered in person or over the phone you will be emailed the forms and you can bring them on the first day of camp or fill them out when you arrive the first day as copies will be provided.
Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or concerns about any of the forms.
What to Bring Everyday
- Clothing and shoes - Campers should arrive dressed for the activity. We recommend outdoor activity clothes and athletic shoes (no sandals or open-toe shoes please!). Please survey what your child brings to camp in the morning to avoid losing items. Please label clothing, towels, and all personal items.
- Water bottle - Please send your child with a water bottle each day, labeled with their name.
- Lunch - Campers that are attending the camp are required to bring a lunch. A snack will be provided in the morning and the afternoon. A typical snack includes a juice box and a granola bar. Campers store their lunch in their backpack. Please clearly label your child's lunch bag. Please notify the camp office before the beginning of camp if your child has food allergies. It is recommended that children with food allergies bring snacks with them.
- Sun block - Many activities will take place outdoors. We recommend applying sunblock on your child before arrival and sending sunscreen with your child to camp so that they can re-apply.
- Swimming gear - Please pack a swimsuit and towel for your child every day. While groups won’t generally swim each day, at times our schedule may change at the last minute due to pool maintenance and campers may swim on a day that wasn’t part of the original schedule. Please provide a plastic bag to store wet items in.
- Gym bag/backpack - A gym bag or backpack is recommended for your child's belongings. Please label it with your child's name.
- NO Money/items of value - Please do not send items of value (money, cell phones, ipads, Nintendo switch, trading cards, stuffed animals, etc.) with your child. University Recreation is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Items that are not appropriate for camp may be confiscated and locked in the camp office until parents pick these items up.
Cancellations must be made by email or phone 509.335.2218 to a camp director. If a cancellation notice is received by the Monday (7-days prior) before the applicable session, a full refund will be provided. Cougar Kids Camp admin staff will use their discretion in offering refunds for partial weeks due to illness to avoid sick campers being brought to camp. Please reach out to camp directors about canceling after the deadline.
Medication of any type (over the counter or prescription) must be sent with your child to camp, and a Medication and Instruction Form must be submitted before camp begins. All medication must be in its original container with the exception of medication that must be accessible at all times by the camper. Medication must be given to a camp staff member at the beginning of each day at camp, where it will be stored in a locked box. A refrigerator will be available if necessary. Camp directors can assist with administering medicine to campers at the necessary times.
Accidents & Emergencies
University Recreation does not carry health or accident insurance for participants. It is recommended that all campers are required to have medical coverage prior to attending camp. In case of an emergency or accident involving your child, you will be contacted following notification of the appropriate emergency personnel. At Cougar Kids Camp, we make provisions to be certain that all campers will be as safe as possible. All group leaders and office personnel are certified in CPR and First Aid and will provide initial emergency care when needed. Lifeguards will supervise all aquatic activities. We provide and require campers to wear the safety equipment for applicable activities.
If your child should become ill while at camp, you will be notified. Because we do not have a registered nurse on staff, we will ask you to make the decision whether to remove your child from the program for the day. We ask for your discretion on bringing your child to camp if he/she is ill.
Cougar Kids Camp admin staff will use their discretion in offering refunds for partial weeks due to illness as to avoid sick campers being brought to camp. Please reach out to camp directors about cancelling after the deadline.
Camper Conduct
In accordance with our commitment to ethics and diversity, we believe that it is important that our campers act respectfully towards each other, camp staff, and themselves. While we understand that children have a natural tendency to test the limits and boundaries in many situations, we believe that there are standards that our campers must be held up to.
Behavior policy:
The behavior management policy is designed to allow staff to manage unacceptable behavior, such as personally offensive language, physical abuse, bullying, and stealing.
UREC staff shall be trained in dealing with issues that might arise, modeling positive behavior, communicating with participants, and resolving conflicts before they escalate. The following steps are the general procedures taken when a problem arises:
- Staff members will intervene immediately and discuss possible solutions to the problem with the camper.
- Camp staff, camp director, and camper will discuss solutions to the problem.
- A phone call to parents/guardians concerning the problem.
- The participant is removed from the program or facility for a day based on repeated unacceptable behavior.
- In the case of severe unacceptable behavior or repeated and unchanging unacceptable behavior, the camper will be removed from camp for the remainder of the summer.