Rental Shop
The Outdoor Recreation Rental Shop is a great resource for students and community members looking to have an outdoor adventure, but don't have the necessary gear. All rental equipment is reliable and in great condition to allow users a fun outdoor experience at an affordable cost. Choose from a selection of outdoor gear to recreational sports equipment.
*Beginning September 30 2024, due to payment security regulation changes, we will no longer be taking orders or any form of payment over the phone. You will need to come into the Outdoor Rental Center during open hours to reserve or rent equipment. We're sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause*
*Beginning May 1st 2023, we will no longer be accepting Cash or Check*
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Backpack (Day 25L) $4.30 $7.75 $17.95 $4.30 $10.25 $23.90 Backpack (Weekend 38L) $5.70 $9.45 $21.95 $6.30 $12.85 $29.95 Backpack (Expedition 78L) $7.15 $11.95 $27.90 $7.15 $16.25 $37.90 Backpacking Stove $5.15 $8.55 $19.95 $7.40 $11.95 $27.90 Backpacking Stove—MSR Reactor 1.5L w/o fuel* $4.55 $7.75 $17.95 $7.75 $11.15 $25.95 Bear Canister/Bag $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 $7.40 $7.75 $17.95 Cookset (2 pots, 1 pan, 1 pot grabber) $3.75 $6.85 $15.95 $2.60 $8.55 $19.95 Crazy Creek Chairs $2.60 $4.30 $10.00 $3.75 $6.85 $15.95 Headlamp $2.30 $4.45 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Trekking Poles $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 $4.30 $7.75 $17.95 Trowel $1.45 $2.60 $6.00 $2.05 $3.45 $8.00 Water Filter $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 *Additional fuel bottles available for a fee. -
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Camp Chair $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 $3.90 $7.75 $17.95 Cooler— 55qt $4.55 $7.75 $17.95 $5.70 $11.15 $25.95 Cooler— 103qt $5.15 $8.55 $19.95 $6.50 $11.95 $27.90 Cooler— 125qt $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 $6.75 $12.85 $30.50 Cooler— 150qt $5.70 $9.45 $21.95 $7.00 $12.85 $29.95 Twin-Burner Stove $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 $6.75 $12.85 $30.50 Water Jug $1.75 $3.45 $8.00 $2.35 $4.30 $10.00 -
Climbing & Mountaineering
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Bouldering Crash Pad $6.85 $11.95 $27.90 $9.45 $16.25 $15.15 Climbing Helmet $2.30 $4.30 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Crampons (Step in or universal) $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 Crampons (Micro) $2.05 $3.45 $8.00 $2.85 $5.15 $11.95 Gaiters $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $4.30 $21.95 Ice axe $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 Ice Tools (Pair) $12.85 $21.40 $49.85 $17.40 $29.10 $66.50 Mountaineering Boots $8.00 $13.70 $31.90 $10.85 $17.95 $41.90 -
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Drink Cooler $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 $4.30 $7.75 $17.95 Grill-Charcoal $14.00 $23.10 $53.85 $19.10 $31.65 $73.75 Grill-Gas w/propane tank $21.10 $35.05 $81.75 $28.50 $47.00 $109.65 -
Recreational Sports
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Yoga Mat $2.30 $4.30 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 -
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Sleeping Bag-3 Season $7.15 $11.95 $27.90 $9.70 $16.25 $37.90 Sleep Bag-Winter $8.55 $14.55 $33.90 $11.70 $19.70 $45.85 Sleeping Pad $1.45 $2.60 $6.00 $2.05 $3.45 $8.00 Inflatable Sleeping Pad $5.70 $9.45 $21.95 $7.75 $12.85 $29.95 -
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week 2 Person Backpacking Tent $11.15 $18.80 $43.85 $15.15 $25.65 $59.80 3 Person Backpacking Tent $11.95 $20.50 $47.85 $16.25 $27.35 $63.75 2/3 Person Mountaineering Tent $28.50 $47.00 $109.65 $38.45 $64.10 $149.45 4 Person Backpacking Tent $12.55 $21.40 $49.85 $17.10 $28.20 $65.80 4 Person Dome Tent $11.15 $18.80 $43.85 $15.15 $25.65 $59.80 6 Person Dome Tent $15.70 $26.50 $61.80 $21.40 $35.90 $83.70 Hammock $5.15 $8.55 $19.95 $7.15 $11.95 $27.90 Megamid (Tarp shelter) $9.70 $16.25 $37.90 $13.10 $22.20 $51.80 -
Snow Safety
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Avalanche Beacon* $11.15 $18.80 $43.85 $15.15 $25.65 $59.80 Avalanche Probe $1.15 $2.60 $6.00 $1.75 $3.45 $8.00 Snow Shovel $2.85 $5.15 $11.95 $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 *Batteries not included -
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Downhill Ski Package* $24.25 $40.15 $93.70 $32.75 $54.65 $127.55 Snowboard Package* $22.80 $37.60 $87.70 $30.75 $51.25 $119.55 Backcountry Alpine Touring Ski Package** $27.35 $45.30 $105.65 $37.00 $61.50 $143.45 Splitboard Package $23.90 $40.15 $93.70 $32.45 $53.85 $125.55 XC Ski Package $12.85 $21.40 $49.85 $17.40 $29.10 $66.50 Snowshoe Package $7.15 $11.95 $27.90 $9.70 $16.25 $37.90 Ski/Snowboard Helmet $2.30 $4.30 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Goggles $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 Ski Poles (Downhill or XC) $2.30 $4.30 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Downhill Ski Boots $10.85 $17.95 $41.90 $14.80 $25.70 $57.80 Snowboard Boots $10.55 $17.95 $41.90 $14.25 $23.90 $55.80 XC Ski Boots $6.60 $11.15 $25.95 $9.10 $15.40 $35.90 Ski Crampons $3.85 $6.60 $15.40 $5.25 $9.10 $21.20 *We do not rent downhill skis or snowboards to anyone under the age of 18
*For all alpine touring equipment (Backcountry Alpine Touring Skis & Splitboards) same-day rentals cannot be guaranteed due to a more time consuming set-up process. It’s recommended that you reserve your equipment at least 48 hours hours prior to pick-up
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Kayak—Sit on Top Package $22.80 $37.60 $87.70 $30.75 $51.25 $119.55 Kayak—Sit on Top 2 Person Package $28.50 $47.00 $109.65 $38.45 $64.10 $149.45 Kayak—Touring Sea Package $34.15 $56.35 $131.50 $46.10 $76.85 $179.35 Kayak—Touring 2 Person Package $39.85 $65.80 $153.45 $53.85 $88.80 $207.20 Kayak—White Water Package $28.50 $47.00 $109.65 $38.45 $64.10 $149.45 Inflatable Kayak-1 Person $28.50 $47.00 $109.65 $38.45 $64.10 $149.45 Inflatable Kayak-2 Person $34.15 $56.35 $131.50 $46.10 $76.85 $179.35 Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package $22.80 $37.60 $87.70 $30.75 $51.25 $119.55 Beast 8-10 Person Inflatable Paddleboard $51.25 $84.55 $197.30 $69.20 $114.45 $267.00 Raft—13' Package* $61.50 $101.63 $237.15 $83.15 $137.50 $320.80 Raft—14' Package* $74.60 $123.85 $288.95 $100.75 $166.55 $388.55 Raft—15' Package* $87.70 $145.15 $338.70 $118.40 $195.60 $456.30 Canoe Package $22.80 $37.60 $87.70 $30.75 $51.25 $119.55 *Raft frame package prices differ from the prices shown. Call for more information. -
Water Accessories
SRC/Chinook Member Non-Member 1 Day Weekend Week 1 Day Weekend Week Cargo Box $5.70 $9.45 $21.95 $7.75 $12.85 $29.95 Cargo Net $3.45 $6.00 $14.00 $4.90 $8.55 $19.95 Dry Bag $2.85 $5.15 $11.95 $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 Electric Raft Pump $2.85 $5.15 $11.95 $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 Fleece Top $3.45 $6.00 $14.00 $4.90 $8.55 $19.95 Flip Lines (pair) $3.45 $6.00 $14.00 $4.90 $8.55 $19.95 Floor Pump $2.85 $5.15 $11.95 $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 Frame, Cargo $14.55 $24.80 $57.80 $19.70 $32.45 $75.75 Frame, Stern $14.55 $24.80 $57.80 $19.70 $32.45 $75.75 Helmet—Paddling $3.20 $4.30 $10.00 $2.85 $6.00 $14.00 Oars (3) $5.70 $9.45 $21.95 $7.75 $12.85 $29.95 Paddle—Canoe, Raft, or Guide $1.45 $2.60 $6.00 $2.05 $3.45 $8.00 Paddle—Kayak $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 Paddle—SUP $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 PFD $2.60 $4.30 $10.00 $3.75 $6.85 $15.95 Repair Kit $2.85 $5.15 $11.95 $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 River Toilet System $9.70 $16.25 $37.90 $13.10 $22.20 $51.80 Safety Kit—Bilge Pump, Paddle Float, Sponge $4.00 $6.85 $15.95 $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 Spray Jacket $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 $7.40 $12.85 $29.95 Spray Skirt $3.45 $6.00 $14.00 $4.90 $8.55 $19.95 Tie Down Straps (4) $2.30 $4.30 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Throw Bag $3.45 $6.00 $14.00 $4.90 $8.55 $19.95 Wetsuit $6.85 $11.95 $27.90 $9.45 $16.25 $37.90 Wetsuit Booties $2.30 $4.30 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Wetsuit Gloves $2.30 $4.45 $10.00 $3.20 $6.00 $14.00 Wetsuit Jacket $5.45 $9.45 $21.95 $7.40 $12.85 $29.95
Ski & Snowboard Tuning
Member/Non-Member Price
Wax and Edge Hot hand wax and edges sharpened $20/$25 Edge Edges sharpened $15/$17.50 Wax Hot $15/$17.50 Premium Tune Base grind, edges sharpened, hot hand wax $30/$35 Equipment dropped off by Tuesday will be ready Thursday.
Equipment dropped off by Wednesday/Thursday will be ready Friday.*Please note there may be occasions when we are unable to fulfill the return times.
Special Rental Deals & Weekends
The Outdoor Recreation Rental Shop offers special deals for holidays and school breaks when the rental shop is closed. Listed below are the special rental periods and deals. For specific questions, please call 509.335.1892.
- Martin Luther King Day - Free day with any weekend rental.
- President's Day - Free day with any weekend rental.
- Spring Break - Pay the weekend price for the full week.
- Memorial Day - Free day with any weekend rental.
- Juneteenth - Free day with any weekend rental.
- Fourth of July - Free day for any rentals over the 4th.
- Labor Day - Free day with any weekend rental.
- Veterans Day - Free day for any rentals
- Thanksgiving Break - Pay the weekend price for all of break
- Winter Break -Get 75% off all rentals picked up during finals week and returned by the first day of Spring Classes.
Lift Tickets
Buy 2022-2023 Lift Tickets at the ORC
Ski Lift Tickets/Vouchers are non-refundable. Student tickets/vouchers are only for current students and are limited to one per person per day. To get the student rate you must show your CougarCard.
Location ORC Price Post-Tax Mountain Price Post-Tax Lookout Pass $54 $65
The Outdoor Recreation Center is located across from the student recreation center on North Fairway Drive.
Contact Information:
- Rental Shop 509-335-1892
Current Equipment Rental Procedures:
Reservations are encouraged due to high demand. Reservations can be made by calling the Rental Shop at 509-335-1892
- *Beginning May 1st 2023, we will no longer be accepting Cash or Check*
- Staff will check that all items have been returned and will notify customers by phone of any damages or issues found during inspections.
- All equipment will be appropriately cleaned and disinfected between rentals.
- If you begin feeling ill after making a reservation but prior to pick-up, you may move your reservation to a future date or cancel for a full refund by calling the Rental Shop.
*We do not rent equipment to anyone under the age of 18.
General Policies
- The customer accepts all responsibility for injury, disfigurement, or death from use of rental equipment.
- It is the customer’s responsibility to check over equipment and to note any pre-existing problems before leaving the ORC.
- Equipment may be reserved up to 60 days in advance with payment of the rental fee.
- Equipment may require a deposit.
- All equipment is due on the scheduled return date.
- Cancellations made 4 or more business days prior to the scheduled pick-up date will receive a full refund.
- Cancellations made within 3 business days will forfeit 50% of the rental fee.
- Customers failing to pickup reserved equipment will forfeit all monies, except deposits.
- For reservations with a Friday pickup, Monday is the last day to cancel while getting a full refund.
- Alterations that decrease the reservation value 50% or more of the total value of the reservation will be considered as cancellations and will be treated as such regarding refunds.
- Refunds will not be given for equipment that is unused or returned early.
- Equipment returned after the scheduled return date will accrue fees at the daily rate for each day late.
- Equipment must be returned clean, dry, and properly packaged or a fee will be assessed. The minimum cleaning fee is $20, plus $20 per additional hour of cleaning required.
- Customers will be charged for any alteration of equipment.
- Any loss or damage that is present on the equipment once it leaves the ORC is the responsibility of the customer. Cost of lost or damaged equipment will be the retail value of the item plus 10%.
- The customer will have 5 business days to make full payment of fees from the date notified of fees.
- Delinquent fees will be charged to WSU student accounts, if applicable.