Do you love climbing and want to get higher? Here's how to get your Belay Card:
Option 1
If you already know how to belay using the TBUS (Take, Brake, Under, Slide) system you can get your Belay Card by qualifying with one of our Climbing Wall Supervisors during open climbing hours.
Option 2
If learning to belay is new to you, or you are just rusty, then you can sign up for one of our belay clinics (listed below) that are offered twice a week. In this course you will learn all the necessary skills to top rope climb at the university climbing wall. You can then test for your Belay Card one calendar day after the completion of the belay clinic, but no earlier.
You will need to bring a climbing partner for your qualification (they don’t need to be belay qualified). If you pass you will receive a Belay Card on the spot and can begin roped climbing immediately. You need this card with you whenever you want to top rope climb. Every Fall semester you must requalify no matter when you received your Belay Card. In order to pass you must successfully demonstrate all of the following skills:
- Ability to competently put on climbing harness
- Ability to tie in using a figure eight follow through
- Ability to perform a buddy check and identify an incorrect knot, harness setup, or belay setup
- Ability to utilize climbing commands
- Ability to competently setup and belay with a tube style belay device
- Ability to competently lower a climber
In the event you do not pass, you have one more attempt. It can be performed, at the earliest, one calendar day from your first qualification attempt. In the event that you do not pass a second time, you will be required to complete a belay clinic and then attempt to qualify again.
Belaying Contact
Arturo Gavilanes